Webinars A conversation with teens who explore racism with their art Epic Theater engages teens in making theater about issues they care about - often around race. We watch a few short productions and talk with the creators along the way.
Webinars Early Childhood Virtual Summit 2022 Watch EmbraceRace's (first) Early Childhood Virtual Summit! More resources and translation in Spanish to come.
Webinars Organizing for Racial Learning and Educational Justice How do we bring people together to build campaigns supporting healthy racial learning in schools? We talk to organizers and community members trying to figure that out in their communities and across communities.
Webinars Generation Mixed Goes to School: Radically Listening to… A conversation about the particular experiences of multiracial kids at school - from the perspective of those kids and of the caregivers and teachers trying to support them.
Webinars Why & How to Talk to Young Kids About Race A conversation about how to have race conversations well with young children.
Webinars Tiny Talk - Building a Just, Multiracial Democracy Dennis Chin of Race Forward says there are so many ways "to choose each other, to choose equity, to say no to the politics of division, even in your local school district." The H.E.A.L. Together initiative has supports.
Webinars Panel Discussion: Advocating for Early Racial Learning in Your… A panel discussion about the work that we can do together to defend and celebrate early racial learning in our schools and communities.
Webinars Why & How to Talk to Kids about Microaggressions If even adults struggle with microaggressions, how can we help the children in our lives navigate them successfully?