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"The Fear Never Goes Away" - A reflection on being undocumented as a child by ER's Tamara Montes de Oca. Resources for immigrant communities included.

Explore the Color-Brave Caregiver Practices!

EmbraceRace has four goals (on the left below) for raising color-brave kids. To work toward each goal, we've identified three key practices caregivers can engage in with kids. Working with our community of experts, we developed action guides for each of the practices – 12 in all. We encourage you to begin with just one action guide and work your way through the others over time (now would be a great time to bookmark this page!). Consider working through the guides with a friend or partner.

Four Goals

Check out the 3 action guides below to support you in raising children to be critical thinkers about race and racial inequity.

Check out the 3 action guides below to support you in raising children to be racial justice advocates.

Download a PDF of the whole Color-Brave Caregiver Framework in English or Spanish

Caregiver Framework Overview

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