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R3 Network FAQ

What is the Rapid Response Research Network?

The Rapid Response Research Network (or R3 Network) is a national community of families of all racial backgrounds who are interested in helping researchers identify and test practical antiracist tools and strategies. When you join the Network, EmbraceRace will be able to notify you about studies that match the profile of your family. For example, researchers might be looking for parents of children of a specific age and/or racial background. By signing up with the R3 Network, you will only receive information about studies that are relevant to you!

What kind of studies will I participate in?

That’s up to you! You will always be able to choose which studies to volunteer for. Different studies might involve different activities, such as:

  • Completing online surveys

  • Participating in group discussions with other adults

  • Engaging your kids in conversations or other activities, like watching videos, reading books, or playing games and more!

How will you decide what research proposals to support?

EmbraceRace is about providing parents and other adults in the lives of kids the information and tools we need to raise kids who are thoughtful, informed, and brave about race. Above all, the R3 Network will prioritize studies hoping to identify practical interventions that parents, guardians, and other adults can use to promote antiracist attitudes and practices in adults, but especially in children. We will also prioritize studies in which parents aren’t only participants in the studies, but partner meaningfully with researchers throughout the process, from identifying key questions to analyzing and disseminating findings. The R3 Network Community Review Committee will discuss and make decisions regarding all research applications. All the studies supported by EmbraceRace will have already been reviewed by a research ethics board.

Who serves on the Community Review Committee?

The Community Review Committee is made up of a pool of parents, caregivers, and researchers who are diverse in terms of their racial identities and their levels of research expertise. All Review Committee members bring an equity lens to their work and are committed to protecting the well-being of children and families in the R3 Network.

Can I serve on the Community Review Committee?

From time to time we will have new members join the Review Committee. Please contact us at if you are interested in serving on the Review Committee.

How do you get people to sign up for the R3 Network?

We know that there are many families out there who are interested in supporting and learning from research studies on antiracism! We hope that our EmbraceRace community members will spread the word about the R3 Network to their families and friends. We are also eager to partner with family- and child-serving organizations to spread the word among their members. If you are interested in partnering with EmbraceRace to let more families know about the R3 Network, please contact us at We’d love your help!

How will my information be used?

EmbraceRace stores families’ information in a secure database. EmbraceRace will only use your information to notify you about studies that are relevant to you and your family. Then, it will be up to you to contact the research team for more information – EmbraceRace will NEVER share your information with researchers (or anyone else) without your permission.

How will the EmbraceRace community benefit from the work of the R3 Network?

All of us, including caregivers and professionals within the EmbraceRace community, will benefit from an acceleration of research that means more evidence-based antiracist caregiving tools and strategies out in the world. Specifically, EmbraceRace will partner with researchers whose work is supported by the R3 Network to provide presentations and create resources based on their research findings that will be freely available to the EmbraceRace community.

Will I be compensated for participating in research studies?

Maybe! Different studies take different amounts of time and effort for participants, so compensation will be determined by the research team and their organization. Researchers often use gift cards or occasionally other items (such as children’s books) to thank their participants and compensate them for their time. You will always know whether and how you will be compensated BEFORE participating in the study.