Stories Community is Good Medicine A reluctant journey towards embracing my Chemehuevi and Chicana identities brought health and healing.
Stories Seeing through different eyes A life and death test of White "wokeness" when an interracial couple's night goes bad
Action Guides You Can Do It! Talking to Young Children About Race Because race impacts so much in the lives of young children, it’s critical that the adults in their lives normalize discussing race and get comfortable answering tough questions.
Webinars Early Childhood Virtual Summit 2022 Watch EmbraceRace's (first) Early Childhood Virtual Summit! More resources and translation in Spanish to come.
Webinars Organizing for Racial Learning and Educational Justice How do we bring people together to build campaigns supporting healthy racial learning in schools? We talk to organizers and community members trying to figure that out in their communities and across communities.
Action Guides How to Talk to Kids About Microaggressions Suggestions for what adults can do when we become aware that our children in our lives have either committed or been subjected to microaggressions.