Action Guides How to nurture friendships between kids of color Suggestions for centering and honoring connections between people of color and for helping kids of color foster friendships with other kids of color.
Webinars Racial Learning in Schools: Past, Present, and Future What did the landscape of racial learning in schools look like leading up to this moment? Adrienne Dixson and Jesse Hagopian talk to Andrew about racial learning in schools - where we’ve been, where we are now, and how to get where we want to go.
Action Guides How to talk to kids after incidents of mass violence After incidents of mass violence, silence can be scarier for kids than a conversation with a trusted adult. Here are some guidelines for having those conversations with kids.
Articles Raising less-Brown kids and making space for grief and loss How will my multiracial kids identify, and why do I care so much?
Webinars Why and How Educators Can Nurture Friendships Between Kids of… Watch this conversation about how educators can cultivate friendships and solidarity among children of color from an early age.
Webinars Why and How Parents & Caregivers Can Nurture Friendships Between… A conversation about why and how parents and caregivers can nurture friendships and solidarity among children of color.
Webinars Building meaningful, healthy relationships among children of… The second in a four-part webinar series on resolving tensions and promoting solidarity among communities of color and among children of color, in particular.