Articles Not Black, White, Yellow, Brown (Latino), but Brown (Filipino) On life, self-worth, Rodney King and getting along.
Articles Picture This: Engaging Race Rather Than Avoiding It There is beauty and opportunity even in the messy, awkward, difficult stuff, but we all need help getting there. EmbraceRace helps initite these conversations.
Articles Tearing Down the Wall Andrew and Melissa of EmbraceRace talk to psychologist Dr. Allison Briscoe-Smith about kids, racial identity and racial anxiety.
Articles Notes from “Saddam Hussein’s daughter” (no, not really) Anti-Muslim sentiment has spiked in a post 9/11 world, but the dangerous stereotypes were present well before then. Certainly, they were present during my childhood.
Articles What's So Funny? This white mom was left out of the joke between my Asian American Son and his African American mentor - and that's just fine.
Articles Black Like Me? That feeling you get knowing you sometimes get treated better because others are treated worse.