Articles Supporting Black Boys to Thrive At School An Interview with Professor Daren Graves about his experience for ways in which parents, teachers and schools can help Black students, particularly Black boys, thrive.
Action Guides Advice for Organizing Parents to Fight for Racial Equity at… Although every school is different, at Kindred we’ve found the following guidelines for organizing parents effectively apply widely.
Webinars Do some (White) parents want integrated schools? EmbraceRace speaks with Courtney Everts Mykytyn and Mindy Wilson of Integrated Schools. They are two White parents who have been actively wrestling with other White caregivers around the issue of school integration for some time.
Action Guides Want to support school integration? Here’s how. The research is clear that racially diverse classrooms benefit all kids. But even without policy change, there are things that we can do as parents to support a more just, humane, and better integrated educational system and society for all children and families.
Articles Watching my Five-Year-Old Wrestle With His Whiteness Author Shannon Cofrin Gaggero discusses her sons process in understanding his whiteness.
Webinars Amplifying Youth Voice: Nothing About Us Without Us! A conversation with youth leaders from Youth Funding Youth Ideas about how adult allies can increase youth voice and youth leadership, and share their model and best practices.
Articles Watching "Black Panther" With My Black, Muslim, American… "I wanted to know, which parts of their identities would be affirmed in Black Panther and which parts might be called into question?"
Action Guides 7 Ways to Highlight Resistance Efforts When Discussing… In talking about resistance, we give children examples of what it looks like to be agents of change. We show them that people who experience oppression are not powerless or mere victims. They can do something.