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Early Childhood Virtual Summit 2022

On December 3, 2022, EmbraceRace joined with Race Forward's H.E.A.L Together and other partner organizations to put on our first EmbraceRace Early Childhood Summit. We featured four "tiny talks," a panel and breakout sessions all unified by this theme: Defending and Celebrating Racial Learning in Early Childhood.

Thanks to our partners, participants, and speakers for making our first Early Childhood Summit a success! Happily, you can watch or read the presentations in English here. We will add the videos in transcripts in Spanish soon. Thank you for your patience!

Welcome & Opening

Andrea Huang & Christina Rucinski of EmbraceRace welcome participants
Andrew Grant-Thomas of EmbraceRace gives the opening remarks: Why “Defending & Celebrating Early Racial Learning”?
Read the transcript and resources

Tiny Talk 1

Building a Just, Multiracial Democracy with Dennis Chin, VP of Narrative, Arts & Culture, Race Forward
Read the transcript and resources

Tiny Talk 2

Becoming Grounded: Indigenous Early Childhood and Beyond with Trisha Moquino, Co-founder of Keres Children's Learning Center
Read the transcript and resources

Tiny Talk 3

The Joy That Binds Us with Dr. Nicol Russell, VP of Implementation Research, Teaching Strategies, LLC
Read the transcript and resources

Tiny Talk 4

Young Children As Social Justice Leaders: More than Just Cute with Nadia Jaboneta, Pedagogical Leader, Pacific Primary Preschool
Read the transcript and resources

Panel Discussion

Advocating for Early Racial Learning in Your Community with Panelists State Senators Machaela Cavanaugh and Stephanie Change, and Anastasia Ordonez of Race Forward's HEAL Together, moderated by Darcy Heath of EmbraceRace
Read the transcript and resources

Heal Together Logo

We are pleased to bring you this event in partnership with Race Forward's H.E.A.L. Together and with the following organizations.

Nos complace ofrecerles este evento en colaboración con Race Forward's H.E.A.L. Together y con las siguientes organizaciones.

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Diverse Books for all coalition
Equity research action coalition logo horizontal
Greater Good Logo
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Integrated Schools
Massaimh logo web
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Raising a Reader Read
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