Articles The Messy Story Behind the Black Lives Matter Sign in my White… Author Shannon Cofrin Gaggero discusses her experience displaying a Black Lives Matter sign in her white family's home.
Articles 5 Questions with The Wayfarer Foundation’s Laura Herrick The Wayfarer Foundation funds and supports spiritually rooted and justice-oriented nonprofits, including EmbraceRace. We sat down with Laura Herrick, the foundation's Executive Director, to learn a little more about her work and outlook.
Articles They Call Me "Negro" Dr. Ruth L. Baskerville reflects on growing up, falling in love, and answering, "What are you?"
Articles A Defining Moment Lies in Front of Us, Yearning to Be Embraced.… Many years later [my former teacher] acknowledged that my encounters with racism were no surprise to her. I was taken aback. “Trusted” adults had been aware of my daily encounters with racism but had done nothing.
Articles Celebrate Black Hair During Black History Month Georgia art teacher Kymm Daniels celebrated by Black History Month by creating a crafty homage to black hair on the doors to her classroom.
Articles Using Reading Circles to Inspire Change Author Sadaf Siddique discusses how she created healing spaces and change through reading circles.
Articles "It's Not in Our Head"... and yet Pain is in Our Brain Author Karen T. Craddock discusses the effects of exclusion, harassment and race-based violence and the pain it causes.
Articles Helping my kids make sense of my protest and arrest “Hey kiddos, I have something really important to tell you both... I was arrested at a protest where we were asking our leaders to count every vote and make sure the election was fair."