Articles Why I’m not putting a Black Lives Matter sign in my yard I’ve been struggling with my resistance to putting a BLM sign up in my yard, even as they have sprung up elsewhere.
Articles COVID-19: In Color, By the Numbers (August 2020 Edition) What the numbers tell us about the color of COVID this month.
Articles Talking to Kids in the Wake of Mass Violence Whether mass violence is racialized or not, the steps you should take to comfort kids are similar.
Articles The Daughter Away: A Chinese American Daughter’s Reflection… Like many first-generation Chinese immigrants, I have been dealing with COVID-19 since early January, first indirectly and then directly. As one of my Chinese friends joked, from mid-March onward is but our “second-half.”
Articles What is “The Talk” White parents should have with White children? This is not a talk about kindness in general, or the beauty of diversity, or how we can celebrate our differences, though those talks are also important. The talk I am speaking of is much harder for White parents to have. It is the truth about bias and racism and how we all have it.
Articles On Point Radio: How To Talk To Your Kids About Race, Racism And… EmbraceRace on On Point Radio with Christian Cooper: How To Talk To Your Kids About Race, Racism And Police Violence
Articles COVID-19: In Color, By the Numbers (June 2020 Edition) The numbers tell the story of the pandemic's disparate impact on Black and Indigenous communities and communities of color.