Articles Real Sisters and Brothers Witnessing my children become brothers and sisters, not through shared genes but through shared experience, has been one of the most powerful parts of raising them.
Articles Homeschooling My Black Son for Liberation I liken our son’s homeschool experience to that of a Historically Black College and University, sheltering and protecting him from institutionalized racism but allowing him to safely explore his heritage from an Afrocentric perspective.
Articles Composite Soul: A Poem About Growing Up Mixed Race A poem about claiming and being your full self as a mixed race person. Can you handle it?
Articles Being Mixed Means Always Having to Say You're Sorry For me, being mixed race has meant feeling like I needed to continually justify, excuse, or explain myself.
Articles When school is part of the problem In three years I went from being an enthusiastic supporter of the public schools, to believing that I could and should fight for change from within, to the realization that the work would take too long to make a difference for my son.
Articles On Freedom and Space How to create safety for my sons to explore the meaning of their names, families, traditions, religion and communities without allowing shame to paralyze them before they even begin the journey?
Articles Beyond War Cries and Tipis: A Real Native American Story My life looks nothing like Hollywood portrayals of the leathered and feathered Indian. In fact, real and contemporary Native American experiences turn the Hollywood Indian stereotype on its ugly head.