Articles The Downside Of Traveling the World as a Multicultural Family For the past 8 years, we have been traveling around the world with our biracial daughter and watched the shocked faces as we introduced ourselves upon arrival at each new post.
Articles Fighting my Husband's Deportation Rosa Walker reflects on her experience as a member of a mixed-race, mixed status family.
Articles "There was Nothing We Could Do About it" My family’s slave history was an injustice, and the person responsible was never held accountable for it. In my late fifties, with the help of a genealogist, I started to look for the Wallingford family.
Articles MLK Day and the Danger of A "Single Story" A Kindergarten teacher reflects on teaching about Dr. King, and how too often the single story is perpetuated, which disconnects his story from the thousands of people who influenced him, fought alongside him, and continue to fight for the shared dream to end oppression and realize justice. Why is this a dangerous myth to tell?
Articles Race, Identity, and Why I Support EmbraceRace Perfecta Oxholm on how EmbraceRace supports her parenting and the understanding of complex histories.
Articles Is God Racist or Is It My Church? EmbraceRace intern Alexis Freeman reflects on how racial identity and structural racism plays out in religious practice and reflects on her ongoing journey to address white supremacy in Christianity.