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MarYam Hamedani

Managing Director and Senior Research Scientist at Stanford SPARQ

MarYam Hamedani

MarYam Hamedani, Ph.D., is a social psychologist with experience leading centers and teams within higher ed. She studies and put into practice strategies to help people live, work, and thrive in today’s increasingly diverse and divided world. Her research has been published in prominent peer-reviewed journals, covered by national media outlets, and supported by leading foundations. Dr. Hamedani is the Managing Director and Senior Research Scientist at Stanford SPARQ—a behavioral science “do tank” at Stanford University that develops research-driven partnerships with industry leaders and changemakers to combat bias, reduce disparities, and drive culture change. Dr. Hamedani oversees the center’s team and projects, and works with practitioners in criminal justice, education, economic mobility, education, health, media, and technology. She prioritizes an approach to research that is grounded in society’s most pressing problems and centers the perspectives of practitioners. She creates opportunities for researchers and practitioners to learn from one another in mutually beneficial partnerships. Dr. Hamedani also regularly speaks and advises on how social science research on race, culture, and inequality can drive strategies for change.

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