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Libya Doman headshot

Libya Doman

Libya Doman

Libya Doman is a National Board-certified visual art educator who is employed as an administrative leader for art teachers in her school system. She is a cultural responsiveness facilitator and founder of her organization, Disrupting Norms. She designs and delivers curriculums, workshops, and keynotes to help educators grapple with topics that are often deemed “taboo.” Libya is proud to have a degree from Spelman College; an HBCU. She earned her master's in art education and 2D art from TC, Columbia University. She has served as a professor at George Mason University and induction coach for early service art teachers. She was a member of NAEA’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force and has served as a guide and/or co-designer for NAEA's School for Art Leaders, Cultural Competency programming, and ED&I State Liaison cohorts. She has been honored with many accomplishments and awards including 2023 National Art Education Foundation Board Trustee, 2022 Milken Foundation National Fellow, 2021 NAEA Southeastern Elementary Educator of the Year, 2020 VAEA Art Educator of the Year and 2020 VAEA Elementary Art Educator of the Year. Libya was one of three art educators who collaborated with EmbraceRace to create the Drawing Differences art program, a program geared at students from 3rd through 5th grade and their adults to encourage racial diversity in kids' art work.

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