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"The Fear Never Goes Away" - A reflection on being undocumented as a child by ER's Tamara Montes de Oca. Resources for immigrant communities included.
Alina de Zoysa

Alina de Zoysa

Alina de Zoysa

Alina de Zoysa is a senior at the STEM Academy at Jackson Memorial High School and president of Rays of Hope. Among her many advocacy experiences, Alina created an online petition to stop lunch shaming in the state of New Jersey that received over 2,500 signatures and spoke with Congressman Donald Paine Jr. about the importance of serving the low-income areas across New Jersey. She participates in LEAD for Diversity, the Girl Scouts, TeenSHARP, and the YesSheCanCampaign, among other activities, and is a member of the Science Honor Society, the Mathematics Honor Society, and the National Honor Society.

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