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Drawing Differences

There is consensus that the media images our kids consume matter. But what about the images our kids create? Surely, what we choose to pay attention to, to spend time with, to represent, matters, too. But children, including children of color, are rarely encouraged to draw characters of color or shown how to do so. Drawing Differences is an art program for you and the kids in your life that aims to change that. Access it for free below!
8 to 11 y.o.s and their adults - but adaptable for younger & older kids.
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Let's make art that looks like all of us!

EmbraceRace teamed up with three fantastic antiracist art teachers to produce Drawing Differences, a program designed to address the underrepresentation of diverse characters in children's drawings. Representation teaches powerful lessons about beauty, normalcy, and worthiness. Drawing Differences aims to encourage diverse depictions of skin colors, hair textures, and facial features.

Drawing Differences was created by arts educators Libya Doman, Khadesia Latimer and Paula Liz in collaboration with EmbraceRace. Check out this short introductory video featuring Paula Liz (and get the whole program to meet Libya and Khadesia in later videos!).

The lessons are organized into affirmations:

  • Introduction: We observe closely.
  • Affirmation #1: We see color.
  • Affirmation #2: We see individuals.
  • Affirmation #3: We feel seen.

The video introduction and starter guide offer an overview and practice with a critical artist's tool - close observation! The three lessons that follow delve into art making. In addition to the video explainers and art resources for each lesson, you will find conversation prompts, book recommendations and additional activities to support your conversations with kids as they name and explore racial and other differences.

What are you waiting for? Access the whole program now - and pass it on!

Get Drawing Differences now!

Access the entire program
I wish EVERY child and adult could experience the Drawing Differences program! I can only imagine the incredible impact this would have if offered in every classroom and public library across the country, and the expansion of beauty, connection, and worthiness that would inevitably result.
- Clare Brown, Youth Services Coordinator, Jones Library