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Check out our Color-Brave Caregiver Framework!

Learning Opportunities

EmbraceRace Community Programs bring together parents, caregivers, and educators in online classes and cohorts to learn and share with and from each other. These communities, led by EmbraceRace's team of facilitators, help caregivers grow their understanding of children’s racial learning development, practice the skills needed to raise kids who are inclusive, empathetic, and think critically about race, and provide caregivers the support they need to do all this and more!
Parents, caregivers and educators to children (0 to 13 years old)
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Join Our Classes, Cohorts and Workshops

Whether they are classes, cohorts or workshops, EmbraceRace Community Programs are offered throughout the year. We have been able to offer them below their cost and on a sliding scale, thanks to our generous donors. To find out more about our current programs and to be the first to know when registration opens, subscribe to our newsletter and/or follow us on Eventbrite

Any questions or concerns? Email our Community-Building Manager, Andrea Huang, at 


  • Foundations of Color-Brave Caregiving Classes are designed for caregivers who are at the beginning of their racial journeys or looking to fill in gaps in their racial knowledge. Participants receive teaching and training, opportunities to learn and practice new skills, and time to share and ask questions in small groups. Courses include five 90-minute sessions over 10 weeks on Zoom. 

Cohorts, a.k.a. COLPs!

  • Communities of Learning and Practice (COLPs) are cohorts designed for caregivers interested in discussion-oriented learning.  Caregivers participate in facilitator-led discussions, supplemented by EmbraceRace webinars, mini-modules, action guides, and other external resources.  Participants have opportunities to share personal experiences, ask questions, and learn from other cohort members. COLPs are five 90-minute sessions over 10 weeks.


  • Workshops are designed to cater to specific caregiver audiences, providing tools and resources to meet the needs of a particular group. Workshops are usually delivered in a single 2-hour session. 

Private Class Offerings

We offer the following Foundations Classes to private groups. 

  • Color-brave Caregiving Framework: What do I need to do as a caregiver to help my child learn about race? Learn about EmbraceRace's framework – a blueprint for the important roles that caregivers play in raising children who are thoughtful, informed, and brave about race. Participants will receive teaching on the framework, self-assess and reflect on their caregiving roles, and practice skills through various scenarios.
  • Racial Learning Development for Young Children: Do babies & toddlers really notice race? What about preschoolers? Join us for an interactive course focused on racial learning development — what research shows us and how caregivers can build an early foundation for racial learning. Participants will consider environment setting, practice skills, and brainstorm implementation. **Best for caregivers of children ages 0-5.
  • Racial Learning & Unlearning - Growing our Understanding of Race & Racism in the U.S.: What does implicit bias really mean? What about privilege? How do I understand the complex racial history of the U.S.? Participants will learn the history of race and racism in the United States; what racism can look like today from implicit bias to systemic racism; our own positions in a racialized society; and envision a more equitable and just society.
  • Why & How to Talk about Race with Kids: We explore the science of when, how, and what children learn about race; what communication about race and racism with kids looks and sounds like; and how caregivers can orient themselves to keep the race conversation going. Caregivers will share stories, practice concepts, and consider how to translate this into their contexts. **Best for caregivers of children ages 4-13.

Interested in a Private Group Class?

Please fill out this intake form and we'll get back to you shortly. You can also write for more information.